Green Forest Mustangs

Attention high school seniors who graduated from Green Forest R-2

Our scholarship application had always been posted on our website and we had shared that link with the high school earlier in the year. However, apparently it was lost in the transfer of data from our old website to our new one. It has been updated and can now be found under the documents tab in the menu. Simply click the menu button at the top of the website, then click documents, and there will be a folder that is titled scholarship application. Click on that folder and you will be able to download the scholarship application that you will fill out on your computer or can print out if you would rather do that as well. At the bottom of the application you will find the directions for how to submit the application. To do so, email the completed form to or mail it directly to the school at 6111 Hwy F. Salem, MO 65560. We will accept applications until April 1st. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Prugh at the school 573-729-3902.