Good afternoon Mustangs, there will be NO SCHOOL the rest of this week. Thursday the 9th and Friday the 10th are both cancelled. Classes will resume on Monday, January 13th. Stay safe and stay warm.

Good afternoon Mustangs. Due to gravel road conditions in much of the county, there will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th. Thank you.

Good afternoon Mustangs. Due to hazardous road conditions, there is no school tomorrow January 7th. Stay warm and stay safe.

School starts on Tuesday (pending winter weather)We can't wait to see everyone. Here is the menu for this first week back. Full January menus will go home with the newsletter when we return. Be sure to follow our page and download the app to stay up to date and to get any announcements about school closures due to winter weather in the next couple of months.

Have a great break! See you on Jan. 7th. Go Mustangs.

Reminder: Green Forest R-II dismisses tomorrow at 12:30 for our winter break. School resumes on Tuesday, January 7th. Have a wonderful holiday season and go Mustangs.

Ms. Wilson has added and updated the books in the little library box outside of the school in the circle drive. These books are free to borrow at any time. Simply stop by and pick one or two up to take home and read with your child and then return them to the box for someone else to enjoy. Go Mustangs!

Tomorrow night is it. Come see what our students have been practicing so hard for. $5 donation to PTO and you can take your picture with Santa in the cafeteria between 5 and 6 PM. Go Mustangs.

Tomorrow night is our Christmas program beginning at 6:30 PM. Pictures with Santa for a $5 donation to PTO begins at 5. Please know that students will not be able to go to their classrooms until 6 PM. So if you come to take pictures with Santa, you will need to keep your students with you in the gym until 6. Thank you.

Don't forget to wear your flannel tomorrow. See the attached picture for a reminder of the theme for each day this week. Go Mustangs!

It is the last week of the semester. Check out what is going on at the Forest.

Check out what is going on during our last week of the Semester. Go Mustangs.

Christmas fun at the Forest. Check out these dress up days for next week, Dec. 16th - 20th.

Christmas program is right around the corner. Go Mustangs.

76 students had perfect attendance during the last grading period. Those students were entered into a drawing for a special reward. These were the winners. Keep up the great work Mustangs.

Events for the week at the Forest.

Tonight is the final night of the Girls Basketball Tournament here at the Forest. There has been a change to the schedule. Tonight's matchups will be Northwood R-4 vs. Success in the consolation game at 5:00 and Dent-Phelps vs. Phelps County in the Championship game at 6:15. The third place game for tonight between Green Forest and Raymondville has been cancelled. Go Mustangs!

Here is a look at what is coming up next week. Go Mustangs

The Lady Mustangs won their first game of the tournament Tuesday night. They play in the second round tonight at 6:00 PM. Go Mustangs.

Join us Dec. 17th @ 6:30 PM for our Christmas Play and Program. Come early to get your picture with Santa for a $5 donation to PTO. Pictures will be from 5-6 PM in the Cafeteria.